MAIRANDIA simple enough sounding word.
And in our innocence, many of us didn’t know what it meant.
Out dear friend said, it means something nice in Tamil, like hello, how are u.
And we ofcourse bought that.
So, on one of our excursion trips, we were travelling to Mahabalipuram, and all of us huddled together looking out of a window, just shouting and singing at the trees, the sky and the sun.
When manu says. Hey. Lets say, ‘’hello’’ to everyone we meet.
So we said ok. He said. Remember that word I taught u. to say hello. So all of us refresh our memory. And yep. We all get the pronunciation right.
So when we pass a cyclist. We all[7 of us ] shout out MAIRANDI!!!
No effect.
But about a minute after we shout it out. His cycle wobbles, and then he falls off to a great deal of laughter.
I am confused. Why did he fall off when we said hello…
Ah my over excited friend tells me. Cause Mairanadi mean U FUCKER in Tamil…
What an interesting way to say hello indeed …
be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!
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