Thursday, August 02, 2007

so what kind of exercise burns fat...


All exercise burns Calories. (Well duhh!) But since you already know that(I hope…), I won’t waste your time blathering about the science of how and why. For weight loss purposes the only important thing you probably don’t know about it is the actual numbers of Calories that various activities will burn.
Physiologists consider a measurement called “VO2 max” to be the most accurate single measure of “aerobic fitness” (which is the body’s ability to produce energy by “burning” fuel). The more oxygen your body is capable of using (when needed), the better your level of aerobic fitness is, and the higher your “VO2 max” will be. You don’t really need to know anything about VO2 max except that it’s easily and routinely measured and is a good scientific measure of how much energy is being produced and whether the energy is coming from fat or glycogen or protein.
“VO2” means the volume (V) of oxygen (O2) in liters that the body consumes per minute per kilogram of body weight. VO2 “max” means the maximum amount of oxygen your body is capable of using. This amount depends on your fitness level. We couch potatoes have a much lower VO2 max than highly trained athletes. However, even though your VO2 max is probably pitiful compared to Michael Jordan’s, this is not the most important issue in weight-loss exercising (fortunately). The important issue is the relative intensity level you exercise at.