about a girl...who jumps in joy
This is strange isn’t itWhy why u ask…
its about a girl i say[ shy shy]
ah... is that so...
why is that strange...
cause she wrote me a mail...
a 'whole mail'
that is strange is it?
yes... her whole profile was a mail
wow...that is something...
and then what happened?
And it was to me…gosh…
And I too changed my profile to write her a mail…sneaky me…
And then she wrote me a puzzle…which confused me. But it was a nice confusion…
why did she write u a quiz?
I didn’t know at first. At all. Found it nice.
So I answered it[ using google ofcourse] and then I sent her a quiz as well…
What did u send?
Oh, nothing in particular, the worlds hardest puzzle,its called…
But I now know I got the world’s Sweetest puzzle EVER…
How so…
Tell me..oh do tell me…
Oh…hihihi…well. Her puzzle answered her name…and I didn’t see it at first.i have no idea how I found it actually.but the name just leapt out at me[ eventually]
I was …stunned and touched…
And now what?
Well. We wrote each other a mail. And she’s coming to delhi…
Isn’t that wonderful…
Yeah,it is. I would go if she’s ok with it.would like to meet someone who can jump like that. And think,and feel like that. Would love to.
Isn’t it wonderful how suddenly,and surreally u find someone…
Yeah…it is…gosh…when I think of it.i am deeply amused…it is strange…
And surreal…but lovely…lovely…
be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!
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