unleashed freedom
Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
mental climb

well...bit of a background.
we cycled on the most broken down cycles u can imagine . i guess the salesman confused me [he looked a wee bit like one of gods modern art works.]i also use the word salesman v v loosely. he was a turkish chap at the flee market. the whole trip was about 1600 kms which i shall write about a bit later. this is only about grossglockner. Austria's tallest mountain. we did not exactly cycled but mostly heaved it past as our cycles did break down and spectacularly at that. 3 different cyclists tried to help us but nodded gravely and said a few words. i understood "catastrophe " "ridiculous",[said with much enthusiasm at that],'mental' HA HA HA. all in vain.cause i was cycling or pushing or clawing no matter what. saw al the things u chaps mentioned. the crazzzzy stilts to hold up what looked like a wall and turned out to be some sort of sadistic Austrian joke which they call " road ". just the night before we went up this mountain, a British couple had told us that we were mental to do it.he said those who they saw has good bikes, no luggage and gave us a list of other short comings out bikes and clothes had[ didnt have the best warm clothing i realized later on :)] esp cause our bikes were in rather bad condition, mine especially,cause the spokes had broken, the tires bust,and i had sort of gotten them to work again,with much difficulty.the back tire moved like beyonse's backside, only a lot less sexy and a lot more effort on my part. after a few hrs of cycling.and the relentlessness of the incline,my girlfriend, Helen was getting v v tired as well and i did what silly and so called chivalrous men do.i took her bag as well[18 kgs plus my bag which was about 25 or so]and put it on top of mine.burn baby burn hehehe we mostly pushed the bikes as it was impossible to cycle on them.my back brakes were also holding the rather bootalicious prone back tire. so i just took them off :)[ the brakes, not the tire] .was it sunny and nice and warm...yes...in the Caribbean's though.here it just RAINEEEEED and a LOOOOOOOOT of wind[ enough at times to literally blow u off,my helmet blew off at one point and helens too, and we had to go down some distance to get her helmet] and later on snow tried to show us how foolish we were. but press on we did. reaching the top past 8 pm ( we had spent over 3 hrs trying to fix the bicycle spokes with the helpful people giving us encouraging comments that i had written of earlier)
too cold to feel any colder, we cycled down in pitch dark[ and that was in a way a good thing, cause if we had seen how steep it was, we would not have done it, as the saying goes, ignorance is bliss][ and me without breaks too :) yey] and i remembered the sign saying -brakes ok- more like " breaks ok" yeah. hit me with it man
...i wanted to add. brains OK? course not. or else who would do something this mental.
we finally reached a museum of sorts at about ten[ still at a height of 2400 metres or so] . and asked the only occupant who was shocked to see us and also asked us if we were mental if we could sleep in the parking lot.he said u ll freeze to death. an idea to which i was not warming up to one bit... thankfully he had sense.which means we slept in the museum itself.which was great.and life saving of sorts.too tired to even eat, we tried to find out warm clothing only to find that they had gotten wet, so we wore whatever we could find, including a newspaper i had saved up from the last three days cause i had once been told on a trek to the Himalayas that if it gets too cold and u dont have any warm clothing, use a newspaper, it will help u keep warm. to which i remember replying, if i can get a newspaper in the bloody mountains, why would i be foolish enough not to get a sweater, but here i knew that the sweater was out of the question, and hence...newspaper, turned out to have some pis of naked ladies too, wonder if that added to the warmth at all onwards we continued our rather comical journey. part of which resembled r2d2 and c3po s relationship and part of which looked straight out of lord of the rings when they go to mordor, our rings being our bikes and Grossglockner being mordor. i have no idea who sauron was though. perhaps the chap who build the road ... ahoy , i see ...
be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!
Labels: cycling, grossglockner, mental climb
Thursday, July 22, 2010
MAIRANDIA simple enough sounding word.
And in our innocence, many of us didn’t know what it meant.
Out dear friend said, it means something nice in Tamil, like hello, how are u.
And we ofcourse bought that.
So, on one of our excursion trips, we were travelling to Mahabalipuram, and all of us huddled together looking out of a window, just shouting and singing at the trees, the sky and the sun.
When manu says. Hey. Lets say, ‘’hello’’ to everyone we meet.
So we said ok. He said. Remember that word I taught u. to say hello. So all of us refresh our memory. And yep. We all get the pronunciation right.
So when we pass a cyclist. We all[7 of us ] shout out MAIRANDI!!!
No effect.
But about a minute after we shout it out. His cycle wobbles, and then he falls off to a great deal of laughter.
I am confused. Why did he fall off when we said hello…
Ah my over excited friend tells me. Cause Mairanadi mean U FUCKER in Tamil…
What an interesting way to say hello indeed …
be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!
Sick room
Sick roomI don’t know about other schools, but the Bms sick room was aptly named [just as the ministry of defense was originally {and aptly at that} called the ministry of war.]
People , you would suppose went to the sick room cause they were ill. While in Bms, if by chance you somehow found yourself in the sick room, you were sure to fall ill. Such was its magnetic effect.
Yetch, I can still remember the smell of the room. There was something permanently pee like hiding somewhere there. No matter how much it was cleaned and made to feel, insofar as it was possible to make it, feel clean.
The high point of the sick rooms career was when a couple people got chicken pox in 1988.chicken pox is a rather contagious illness. And I am not sure, even today, if applying some purple liquid, is the real cure of it.
I was among the first 6 to get it. And so the sick room was full.
The food which never did taste particularly good, tasted even worse, or was it the smell. One could never tell.
its rather tiring to lie in bed all day, read some comic books, that you have read a thousand times and chit chat about just about nothings and anything’s.
Once in a while, just to test our guts, we would sneak out of the sick room to go to our respective dormitories to get something that would liven us up. This was probably what was the cause of what took place over the next month.
First 2-3 people from various dorms got chicken pox, then a couple more, then more and more. So much so that over 60 students and a few teachers got chicken pox. By the time the last of them got it, I was fine [this was 31 days after I got it]
So, here’s the irony of it all. Once I was well, I was confined to the …yep, sick room because hardly anyone was well and they were all in the dormitories…
be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
joy's joy...
joy's joy...sounds like a wonderful name for a blog...what say?
be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!
Saturday, May 15, 2010

and this would best start with being kind to oneself...i cant state this enough. cause i do feel the kindness that begins within goes a long way to illuminate not only ourselves but those who we get in touch with :-)
be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!
Labels: kindness within

it is so interesting ... isnt it. that most of the world does not have easy access to water, to food, to cleanliness, to all those basic needs that so many of us[ us being them who have access to all of the above as well as Internet, and much else]
still feel so unhappy at so so many levals. and complain. i dont mean this badly. it is what it is.
is it unawareness? or lack of empathy? i dont know. but its there.
i wonder if one suddenly were able to sense the amazingness that is life, and the fact that we have much to be truly grateful for. if that were to suddenly take place. would the hungry noise of want die down? even a bit? and if so...what would take place? the witnessing of the miracle that is life :-)
hugs on that
be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!

cant be stated enough times. be gentle with urself. i tell myself this as wel. its not just for u. its a each day, each moment process. while there is breath in u. be gentle and use that breath gently with urself as wel. love, joy and plenty hugs :-)
be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!
confu...si...o...u...and us :)

and so dont be summed up so simply[ not saying u should do it in a complicated way either :P
be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
How many of these fears are holding you back?
How many of these fears are holding you back?How would you live if you had no fear at all?
You'd still have your intelligence and common sense to safely navigate around any real dangers, but without feeling the emotion of fear, would you be more willing to take risks, especially when the worst case wouldn't actually hurt you at all?
Would you speak up more often,
talk to more strangers,
ask for more sales,
dive headlong into those ambitious projects you've been dreaming about?
What if you even learned to enjoy the things you currently fear?
What kind of difference would that make in your life?
be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!