Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pacman's new home

Pacman's new home
Originally uploaded by ColorMeKatie
colors of joy

i'm just a shadow of what i used to be.

i'm just a shadow of what i used to be.
Originally uploaded by chelsea chen.
wow. how wonderfully wow

How many of these fears are holding you back?

How many of these fears are holding you back?
How would you live if you had no fear at all?
You'd still have your intelligence and common sense to safely navigate around any real dangers, but without feeling the emotion of fear, would you be more willing to take risks, especially when the worst case wouldn't actually hurt you at all?
Would you speak up more often,
talk to more strangers,
ask for more sales,
dive headlong into those ambitious projects you've been dreaming about?
What if you even learned to enjoy the things you currently fear?
What kind of difference would that make in your life?

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

~~~~of joy.....

found u...or more like found by u. deep breath and joy on that :) wow...
click...and the universe wakes up to us :) and wow to that

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!