Wednesday, March 31, 2010

blooming of the flower

i have realized that my doors to being with someone have been closed for many years and only recently have opened up. that ofcourse does not mean i wil get into one asap. on the contrary, i am now more aware of what sort of a person is more suited to being with a person like me.taken sometime. but here i am :) yey to that :)
and firstly- friendship means much to me and the whole ''dating thing'', which is impressing and suchlike[ stuff i am Not impressed by one bit].
glad we got that out of the way.

i would truly like to meet a lovely person[ not talking about feet being swept here :), sweeping is for homes :) ]
and interact and share and who knows what takes place then :) so if ur the kind of person, who can just sit together and share, sometimes a coffee, sometimes silence, sometimes just a hug. then would be nice to get to know you :)

some ask, what do you think i should change in me to attract others them i say. there is ONLY one of you. if you change that...then you will not be you...pity.

watch three color blue[ and red too] if u think ur anything like either or both. cal me. really :) it would be lovely to hear from u :)))

i love to interact with others who are curious about Life and of Joy.

ur interested and interesting...if ur fond of adventure...and traveling...and r full of curiosity...and life...and also have that glint in ur eye...without tht glint...ooh...there isnt much,is there...

And are interested in having good MUGfuls[not cupful,by the way] of tea/Coffee :)preferably jasmine or gop-golden orange pekeo-uncuts the best...try it...u'll squeal with pleasure...

or coffee[and some icecream too ofcourse :P]...and are interested {and interesting} in havin a conversation with me and lastly-i am NOT interested in ur statistics...EXCEPT your EQ]]

interesting conversation and friendship is what makes us who we are.

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

based on what i feel i need in my life :)

Ok, so, here's the deal: I’m looking for the rare, woman who’s been able to find the balance between being an intelligent, healthy, driven woman, while at the same time still appreciating all of the wonderful “girly” things that make women so wonderful to behold! I can’t wait to meet you!.....

List of some of the reasons you might just want to contact me

1. You can look in the mirror and love who you are, and you don't need anyone to validate you - i.e. you are COMPLETE, unmedicated, and not a "project" case study.

2. You respect yourself and show it by taking care of yourself and staying healthy and really fit. We are riding in the fast lane, so be ready!

3. You truly appreciate romance and you reciprocate.

4. You have a passion for life, which leads to FUN!

5. You're compassionate, kind and caring towards others, and people occasionally point that out about you. On the flip side, you have a killer instinct and you rarely, if ever, give up.

6. You are bright, you care about the world around you, and choose to make it better, rather than embrace cynicism.

7. You want a companion who will stand by you, period. You are Loyal.

8. You don't play games or "waffle".

9. You go after what you want, and appreciate the same in the one you seek.

10. You simply want to have a kick ass fun time dancing randomly on in the morning ,drinking coffee and just generally being silly and enjoying that totally think it would be a great way to get to know me.

11. You think you can keep up AND slow down, remember what Ferris said, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

12. You're not a slob, and you value a guy who cleans up after himself.[and yet is messy]

13. You're waaay healthy and would like to hook me up with some kick ass recipes that don't taste like dirt!

15. Wouldn't hurt if you can cook, since I can, it'd be nice to trade off.

Passion is Vital. - JUST DO IT.

Time is of the essence.

Destiny awaits. Are you ready?

:) :) :)

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!

interesting questions to ask...

If you’re just looking for casual questions to ask someone who u are interested in.

After you meet a girl/guy and while you are establishing a friendship, you should get answers to these questions before you start dating. These important questions beg for an answer. They reveal a lot about what that person expects, and what that person is looking for in terms of their dreams, their spouse, their leisure time, and their ideals.

1. In an ideal relationship, what would you spend the majority of your time doing?

You need to be with someone who you would actually hang out with, someone who enjoys the same things as you. Yes, you can share each other’s different interests, but that’s why you need to ask this question, to see if you would enjoy adapting to their interests or if they would enjoy adapting to yours.

2. What do you expect from a guy/girl you’re dating? or What do you expect from a man/woman in your life?

You’d be surprised with the answers to this question. As humans, we assume that people have the same expectations that we do. Unfortunately, men and women are wired differently. That’s why this question is important. Not only are we different because of our genders, but we’re different because each person’s past experience helps mold their expectations and each person’s past experience is different.

3. What is your idea of living a good life?

Here you get a taste of what motivates the other person. You’ll get a taste of what drives them, what gives their life meaning and significance. It also gives you a view of what a future would look like with them.

4. What does a good relationship look like?

It’s always nice to know what the other person views as ideal in their eyes. You can see if you’re looking for the same thing in terms of what makes a relationship good.

5. What are you looking for in a guy/girl?

Let them name the top three qualities that are non-negotiable.

6. What have you learned from your past relationships?

Ideally, it would be nice to go through each of your past relationships, not to relive pain or point out the mistakes of your exes, but it’s important to know that the person you’re with has learned from their own mistakes and isn’t just moving forward ready to make the same repeat mistakes with you.

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!

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monty python :)

Bridgekeeper: Stop. Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see.
Sir Lancelot: Ask me the questions, bridgekeeper. I am not afraid.
Bridgekeeper: What... is your name?
Sir Lancelot: My name is Sir Lancelot of Camelot.
Bridgekeeper: What... is your quest?
Sir Lancelot: To seek the Holy Grail.
Bridgekeeper: What... is your favourite colour?
Sir Lancelot: Blue.
Bridgekeeper: Go on. Off you go.
Sir Lancelot: Oh, thank you. Thank you very much.
Sir Robin: That's easy.
Bridgekeeper: Stop. Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see.
Sir Robin: Ask me the questions, bridgekeeper. I'm not afraid.
Bridgekeeper: What... is your name?
Sir Robin: Sir Robin of Camelot.
Bridgekeeper: What... is your quest?
Sir Robin: To seek the Holy Grail.
Bridgekeeper: What... is the capital of Assyria?
Sir Robin: I don't know that.
[he is thrown over the edge into the volcano]
Sir Robin: Auuuuuuuugh.
Bridgekeeper: Stop. What... is your name?
Galahad: Sir Galahad of Camelot.
Bridgekeeper: What... is your quest?
Galahad: I seek the Grail.
Bridgekeeper: What... is your favourite colour?
Galahad: Blue. No, yel...
[he is also thrown over the edge]
Galahad: auuuuuuuugh.
Bridgekeeper: Hee hee heh. Stop. What... is your name?
King Arthur: It is 'Arthur', King of the Britons.
Bridgekeeper: What... is your quest?
King Arthur: To seek the Holy Grail.
Bridgekeeper: What... is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
King Arthur: What do you mean? An African or European swallow?
Bridgekeeper: Huh? I... I don't know that.
[he is thrown over]
Bridgekeeper: Auuuuuuuugh.
Sir Bedevere: How do know so much about swallows?
King Arthur: Well, you have to know these things when you're a king, you know.

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!


i make this set of cardboard cut outs, and i write[ with a marker or pen]


and i add either a cut out of a heart or 4 leafed clover[its suppose to be lucky] or star or something nice

and leave it at various parts of town

and y'day i gave 15 or so to all present at this meeting :

some laughed
as some do sometimes
some may thing me gay :) i dont care,i really dont :-)

One seed makes the whole earth green

which one...ah
the tough question :)

and i gave all there present one each
u know why?

cause u DESERVE IT

want it. crave it , but r too scared to ask.

here. i ,give it to u. cause u are special.

if u were not . u would not be here.

u deserve love, and joy

ok. perhaps today u may not have it in ur life. perhaps u dont think u deserve it

but. u do hope for it.

:this is for ur hope

this is for that little seed of joy

:and i hope. u pass this forward to others

who know what beautiful things come out of it?

life is short ...v v v short

why so serious?

leave the card someplace[ preferably not ur bathroom ]

gift it to someone, someone u care about, perhaps u havnt told them.or could just be a strange.

to do that

doesn't matter if they ~ laugh ~ some of u laugh

its ok. laugh ~ atleast i got u to laugh

i know me well enough not to worry bout u laughing at me

i am still me

even after the laughs :)
so its ok that to me is what my life is about
share, care ~ let be what is :)
You are all angels

to know anyone. one needs to just listen with an open heart...
and not carry ur burden of experience and judgment

i had grown weary of carrying and judging.i have done my fair [ or unfair as it were] share of it.

not a macho man u see :P

we are all sooooo scared
and so many of us r just so worth and sadly we never know that

cause we hide

cause we hope

and never share

even with ourselves



~ kunal ~

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!

on hungry lions and being handsome :)

“The lion is most handsome when looking for food”

i must look grrrrrrrrreat now, what with mama making me wait for lunch...grrr...hihihihihih'''

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!


“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.”

Jalal ad-Din Rumi quote

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!

Jalal ad-Din Rumi

“The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.”

Jalal ad-Din Rumi

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!

about a girl...who jumps in joy

This is strange isn’t it

Why why u ask…

its about a girl i say[ shy shy]

ah... is that so...

why is that strange...

cause she wrote me a mail...

a 'whole mail'

that is strange is it?

yes... her whole profile was a mail

wow...that is something...

and then what happened?

And it was to me…gosh…

And I too changed my profile to write her a mail…sneaky me…

And then she wrote me a puzzle…which confused me. But it was a nice confusion…

why did she write u a quiz?

I didn’t know at first. At all. Found it nice.

So I answered it[ using google ofcourse] and then I sent her a quiz as well…

What did u send?

Oh, nothing in particular, the worlds hardest puzzle,its called…

But I now know I got the world’s Sweetest puzzle EVER…

How so…


Tell me..oh do tell me…

Oh…hihihi…well. Her puzzle answered her name…and I didn’t see it at first.i have no idea how I found it actually.but the name just leapt out at me[ eventually]

I was …stunned and touched…



And now what?

Well. We wrote each other a mail. And she’s coming to delhi…

Isn’t that wonderful…

Yeah,it is. I would go if she’s ok with it.would like to meet someone who can jump like that. And think,and feel like that. Would love to.

Isn’t it wonderful how suddenly,and surreally u find someone…

Yeah…it is…gosh…when I think of it.i am deeply amused…it is strange…

And surreal…but lovely…lovely…

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

pictures of joy :)

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

4 core relationship values.

4 core relationship values. They are:

1. Receiving/giving love by connecting physically and personally
2. Practicing mutual respect
3. Supporting each other’s personal goals
4. Supporting our family (primarily emotionally, but some financial)

just 4 u may say...think again... :)

1- is also :

* Sharing time together at reasonable intervals
* Good sex at reasonable intervals
* Holding hands / cuddling, particularly at night
* Positive verbal comments
* Having some fun times
* Some sort of responsiveness to my requests (“can’t do that now” and “would you do that instead?” are fine responses, silence isn’t)

and so on... :)

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!

Tea time in school...

Tea time in school...

Tea time was after sports. We played hard six days a week for over one hour. And even if was raining or freezing. So food was important [indeed the most important thing I can remember]
To provide us with adequate nourishment, the school provided us at tea time with –
A bun and two biscuits or
Four biscuits or
Upma [a sort of hardish salty porridge]
Poha, beaten rice [quantity was about 22 grams]
Peanuts [I’m not kidding –22 grams of peanuts, nothing else]
And tea with the consistency of hot water with a tinge of sepia [slightly sweet].

We therefore behaved liked wild animals who were permanently starved.
Some of us patient chaps [cause it was coooold and we were in shorts and t shirt at tea time] waited for everyone to leave so that we can have the remains of the tea. Which we literally inhaled. It was hot and… well. It was hot. That was all that mattered.

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!


random stories of BMS :) the fart~~~


BMS had excursions yearly. For one week each year, we would all pack our bags and go to a nice destination, mostly it was a beach [or was it always] kovalam, pondy, goa, mangalore and suchlike.

One year we went to Mangalore – I think it was 1989 or 90. And each group was further divided into boys who were ‘responsible’ and boys who needed to be looked after [girls were divided in much the same way, but without the quotes  ]
I was in a group consisting of rahul, pritam and kamlesh and I was by total mistake, accorded the ‘responsible’ tag.
Kamlesh and I were the best of friends and we often went out shopping together. One day after finishing shopping [we were given the princely sum of rupees 20 for the whole week! And we made that last  ]
We came back to find ourselves staring at a curious sight.
Pritam was in his white underwear [chaddis as we called them] and sort of spread eagle, and rahul was sniffing what looked like pritams crotch… [HAHAHAHA]…
Unable to guess at just what was going on… we said… ‘Err… maybe we should come later … rahul said, no don’t do that. Why don’t u smell if Pritam has farted!!!
I said, ‘WHAT? ‘ . Rahul said. Pritam has farter and denies it. So I am smelling his bum to prove he farted. Kamlesh said’ there r only two of u in this room, shouldn’t that be easy to guess who farted?’ And we burst out laughing   
be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!


surreal is the only real ;)

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!



A friend to all, a Casanova to many, a cricketer par excellent.
And someone who lived with such a great passion for life.
Sigh…I miss him deeply.
Royston was best described as the life of a party. A person who had a loud booming laughter, and lived in the most carefree of ways.
Someone who traveled light.
Girls just loved him, his guitar strumming, and a flirtatious smile across his face, his hair a bit messy. Energetically moaning a song. U could see how he swayed them.
A boy who was living the very essence that people so hope to live.
There were so many good things about this chap that u really don’t know where to start.
As a sports person he was super athletic and passionate, yet he never ever cheated.
And a friend, he lent an ear in a way v v few could or can. Never judged, always listened, and always was there for those who wanted someone to listen to them.
I remember in madras when I stayed with him. A woman asked him for money for a bus ticket. And he asked her where she was going. After she told him. He told her, Come here at 5 pm. There is a bus to... which ever place she was planning on going to. I will buy u a ticket if u come.
I asked him after we went away, will she come? He said. I don’t know. But if she does come , I know she is serious about going… such was his kindness…
Royston was also one of the biggest eaters of all time. Our tables used to compete on how many idli’es he and me could eat and also how many each table can put away.our table ate something like87 idlies [ between 87 of 7 us] and his managed 89 [12, but number didn’t count they said :D]
And he ate 35 to my 34…I was ….uggg…and so was he, but we ate and ate and ate  it was something else that we could barely walk after that.
The funniest thing is that a tiny boy called neubert ate 38 idlies!!! How? We couldn’t ever find out. We ever turned him over to find out, but couldn’t.
I miss his energy and laughter,even though I hadn’t heard it for years…

Sigh…what a beautiful chap …
May u be in peace man.

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!

bms stories.[ stories of my school and the joy it shared with so many of us :) ] blue mountain school :)

Sick room

I don’t know about other schools, but the Bms sick room was aptly named [just as the ministry of defense was originally {and aptly at that} called the ministry of war.]

People , you would suppose went to the sick room cause they were ill. While in Bms, if by chance you somehow found yourself in the sick room, you were sure to fall ill. Such was its magnetic effect.

Yetch, I can still remember the smell of the room. There was something permanently pee like hiding somewhere there. No matter how much it was cleaned and made to feel, insofar as it was possible to make it, feel clean.

The high point of the sick rooms career was when a couple people got chicken pox in 1988.chicken pox is a rather contagious illness. And I am not sure, even today, if applying some purple liquid, is the real cure of it.

I was among the first 6 to get it. And so the sick room was full.

The food which never did taste particularly good, tasted even worse, or was it the smell. One could never tell.
its rather tiring to lie in bed all day, read some comic books, that you have read a thousand times and chit chat about just about nothings and anything’s.

Once in a while, just to test our guts, we would sneak out of the sick room to go to our respective dormitories to get something that would liven us up. This was probably what was the cause of what took place over the next month.

First 2-3 people from various dorms got chicken pox, then a couple more, then more and more. So much so that over 60 students and a few teachers got chicken pox. By the time the last of them got it, I was fine [this was 31 days after I got it]

So, here’s the irony of it all. Once I was well, I was confined to the …yep, sick room because hardly anyone was well and they were all in the dormitories…

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!