ten questions...
i've decided to ask myself 10 questions, asked quickly and without thinking about them. even the answering when it takes place is done with out thinking , cause then we try to say this or that :)
when the next set of ten 's are asked, then the first ten arer reviewed to see if they have any conclusion, have changed in any way, etc.
i think this an interesting exercise.
be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!
what do i want from life? is a big question. and probably needs a simple answer...the search has taken me to remarkably new and interesting places.but it goes on[ of course]. to find peace.to find contentment.inwardly. is an interesting thing and one that no amount of philosophy helps.
for that all façades of yourself must die ...
be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!