Thursday, July 22, 2010



A simple enough sounding word.
And in our innocence, many of us didn’t know what it meant.
Out dear friend said, it means something nice in Tamil, like hello, how are u.
And we ofcourse bought that.
So, on one of our excursion trips, we were travelling to Mahabalipuram, and all of us huddled together looking out of a window, just shouting and singing at the trees, the sky and the sun.
When manu says. Hey. Lets say, ‘’hello’’ to everyone we meet.
So we said ok. He said. Remember that word I taught u. to say hello. So all of us refresh our memory. And yep. We all get the pronunciation right.
So when we pass a cyclist. We all[7 of us ] shout out MAIRANDI!!!
No effect.
But about a minute after we shout it out. His cycle wobbles, and then he falls off to a great deal of laughter.
I am confused. Why did he fall off when we said hello…
Ah my over excited friend tells me. Cause Mairanadi mean U FUCKER in Tamil…
What an interesting way to say hello indeed …

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!

Sick room

Sick room

I don’t know about other schools, but the Bms sick room was aptly named [just as the ministry of defense was originally {and aptly at that} called the ministry of war.]
People , you would suppose went to the sick room cause they were ill. While in Bms, if by chance you somehow found yourself in the sick room, you were sure to fall ill. Such was its magnetic effect.
Yetch, I can still remember the smell of the room. There was something permanently pee like hiding somewhere there. No matter how much it was cleaned and made to feel, insofar as it was possible to make it, feel clean.
The high point of the sick rooms career was when a couple people got chicken pox in 1988.chicken pox is a rather contagious illness. And I am not sure, even today, if applying some purple liquid, is the real cure of it.
I was among the first 6 to get it. And so the sick room was full.
The food which never did taste particularly good, tasted even worse, or was it the smell. One could never tell.
its rather tiring to lie in bed all day, read some comic books, that you have read a thousand times and chit chat about just about nothings and anything’s.
Once in a while, just to test our guts, we would sneak out of the sick room to go to our respective dormitories to get something that would liven us up. This was probably what was the cause of what took place over the next month.
First 2-3 people from various dorms got chicken pox, then a couple more, then more and more. So much so that over 60 students and a few teachers got chicken pox. By the time the last of them got it, I was fine [this was 31 days after I got it]
So, here’s the irony of it all. Once I was well, I was confined to the …yep, sick room because hardly anyone was well and they were all in the dormitories…

be happy, be simple, walk lightly, sing sweetly... be who u are... wat else can there be!!!