on champions or so they r called
yesterdays formula one championship had sometihing that i ve been observing a lot in sports...fernando alonso acting like[or rather being] a spoilsoprt and sore loser...trying to block the young upstart[as he would see it] lewis hamilton.for that -he was awarded a four place drop...he's fuming...wonder why.last year micheal schumarkar did the very same thing to him and got [penilised for it.at that point alonso was very vocal about it and said that shumi may have won a lot of races but that he is not a true champion and that many people do not really like him...all of which may be true-but this year-the reigning 'champion' has scumbelled to the very same disease...sour loser...in cricket too i have noticed how the aussies play the game brilliantly and with a lot of team work and ofcourse-goes without saying -sledging- but when they are under pressure and the other team is thrashing them-then its mostly ---MAMMA...i remember when glenn mcgrath-a great bowler in his own right-was sledging sarwan-saying things bout sarwans mum-n sarwan gave it back to him and said something about mcgraths wife-[who at that point had cancer...how was sarwan supposed to know...]so is mcgrath more justified simply because sarwans mother is healthy...is a person who has taken more wickets than any other fast bowler in history-a supposit great champion really that...i dont know.as has been said-once your rich enough -u can afford to have morals...
of hendrix and a nice way to sleep...
last night...i was listening to hendrix playing the blues...n was recording it on my mobile...n whilst doing so...i fell asleep...so recording 10 minutes of hendrix and 2 hours and forty minutes of silence...nice way to fall asleep...

a GReaT pleasure
Like a cool, calming and melodious rain
Very soothing, very smooth
The coolness of it trickling down Ur forehead to the tip of ur nose
And onto Ur lips
The taste explosive, now, brilliant
And a rainbow with its grandous colors
Encompassing the world
A fairy slides down it leaving a trail of glitter
Daisies, roses, daffodils in bloom
Children playing with water balloons

Rain, Rain,
Great and gentle cleanser of all pain
Oh, how I love it when u come
When u sing and when u hum
I can see the plants dance & the trees sway as if in a trance
Moon drops from the sky
Falling on my silken brow and making me sigh
Thank u for being here
For energizing me and making me clear
Of all the joys u do always show
& Give life its ever-unique glow
Now I understand what it is to cry
Now I see what it means to die
To come together like raindrops do
To form a beautiful and gentle pool
I hear u coming down & down
Making the earth wet and making the birds frown
Like the cooing of a bird
Gently put me to sleep, of, yet , unheard!
dennis chambers - loud jazz
how much should u exercise???
How much should u exercise?
Aerobic exercise and muscle strengtheningFor the greatest overall health benefits, experts recommend that you do 20 to 30 minutes of aerobic activity three or more times a week and some type of muscle strengthening activity and stretching at least twice a week.
30 minutes a dayHowever, if you are unable to do this level of activity, you can gain substantial health benefits by accumulating 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity a day, at least five times a week.
Begin slowly-esp if ur name is {please fill in ur name here}…If you have been inactive for a while, you may want to start with less strenuous activities such as walking or swimming at a comfortable pace. Beginning at a slow pace will allow you to become physically fit without straining your body. Once you are in better shape, you can gradually do more strenuous activity.
Don't push yourselfYou don't have to push yourself to benefit from physical activity. Thirty minutes of gentle activity (like walking) can be just as healthy as 15 minutes of intense activity (like fast dancing).
Warning!Recent research at Ohio State University has revealed a 200% increase (over 20 years) in health problems among middle-aged people who began intensive exercise too abruptly. These problems ranged from heart trouble to tissue damage.The moral?
Don't push yourself too far, too fast. Go slowly and live longer...
and cheers to that...
so what kind of exercise burns fat...
All exercise burns Calories. (Well duhh!) But since you already know that(I hope…), I won’t waste your time blathering about the science of how and why. For weight loss purposes the only important thing you probably don’t know about it is the actual numbers of Calories that various activities will burn.
Physiologists consider a measurement called “VO2 max” to be the most accurate single measure of “aerobic fitness” (which is the body’s ability to produce energy by “burning” fuel). The more oxygen your body is capable of using (when needed), the better your level of aerobic fitness is, and the higher your “VO2 max” will be. You don’t really need to know anything about VO2 max except that it’s easily and routinely measured and is a good scientific measure of how much energy is being produced and whether the energy is coming from fat or glycogen or protein.
“VO2” means the volume (V) of oxygen (O2) in liters that the body consumes per minute per kilogram of body weight. VO2 “max” means the maximum amount of oxygen your body is capable of using. This amount depends on your fitness level. We couch potatoes have a much lower VO2 max than highly trained athletes. However, even though your VO2 max is probably pitiful compared to Michael Jordan’s, this is not the most important issue in weight-loss exercising (fortunately). The important issue is the relative intensity level you exercise at.
beat excuses...
how to beat the excuse of no time to run...or exercise.
1-use an alarm clock.
set it to half hour before the time tht u wanto wake up.it wont seriously cut into ur sleep time n will give ur day a welcome boost.
2-george bush[yes,tht one] manages to find time to run everyday.despite his busy schedule of us vs them.r u busier than the president of the usa???
3-climb stairs rather than taking the lift at work and while ur going home.
if there arnt any stairs to take then do leg raises.
4-at the lunch break , do some squats.i know tht this may sound or look funny.but it is ur body after all n u need to take care of it.
having stronger thighs takes pressure away from the back n keep u sitting erect in a more relaxed way.
5-be realistic bout ur goals.dont imagine tht by doing a few squats in the lunch break or by climbing a few floors everyday, u wil start seeing results immediately.it has taken u time to gain al the weight and to put on the inches and it wil take u time to lose them.just dont give up or lose hope.